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Product Total
Three Door Compact Wardobe in PLPB with Classic Walnut Finish  × 1 Rs40,000.00
Rawat Seven Seater Sofa Set (Muticolour)  × 3 Rs209,984.97
Rawat Geneva 4-door wardrobe in BSL PPB New Country Dark colour  × 1 Rs38,999.00
Rawat Turin 4-door wardrobe in BSL PPB Saphelli colour  × 2 Rs69,998.00
Rawat Lucerne Three Door Wardrobe in Brown Colour by Rawat (in 17mm BSL PPB)  × 1 Rs19,999.00
Four Door Wardrobe with Mirror in Bird Cherry Finish in MDF  × 1 Rs64,999.00
Rawat Eight Seater Sofa Set (Muticolour)  × 3 Rs623,235.03
Rawat Five Seater L-Shaped Sofa (Muticolour)  × 1 Rs88,854.99
Step-up Display unit by Rawat in BSL PPB  × 1 Rs11,999.00
Rawat Six Seater Dining Table (Muticolour)  × 1 Rs75,859.99
Rawat Geneva dressing table with mirror & stool in BSL PPB New Country Dark colour  × 1 Rs14,900.00
Subtotal Rs1,258,828.98
Total Rs1,258,828.98

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